Do you guys remember back in grade school when the cool thing to do was to take your t-shirt, loop it through the neck and pull down for that ever-so-sexy 4th grade crop tee look? If you didn't do this, then you weren't nearly slutty enough on the playground. But maybe you opted for the side knot that left a little more to the imagination? Very classy of you. I really did love a good knotted t-shirt back in the day. This was mainly because I made it a personal goal to show my midriff every single day from 6th grade to 12th grade. Mission accomplished. (My personal apologies to Mr. Wheat).
Well now that cropped tees are back and midriffs are everywhere again, I've also seen a sudden uprising of the knotted look. Needless to say, I'm mega pumped. V-neck tees, loose tanks, long skirts, heck anything with a little extra fabric can now be made into a '90s flashback with the twist of a simple knot. Today I'm sporting a knotted printed v-neck, I'm thinking about wearing a knotted skirt tomorrow.. Heck, maybe I'll knot something for every day of the week! I'm crazy!
Take your inspiration from these knotty ladies. Wink.
Oh and I threw in this awkward 90s photo of the knot to remind you of how great it looked back in the day. Sexy, no?