Boots, boots and more boots. That's literally all I can think about lately! Ah! I don't understand what "Fall" means to people in Los Angeles, but I am sure that I will be missing the leaves changing colors and falling off of the trees and walking around the cool weather with the perfect pair of boots. The street that I grew up on goes in one direction to my grandpas and the other direction to my grandmas, it has the most amazing trees that turn bright yellow, red and orange in the fall. Homesickness is sure to occur in the upcoming months. But I'll be getting some new boots to make me still feel like it's fall, even if the trees are palm trees and the weather is sweltering.
Hope you guys are having a good Tuesday, sorry for my rant yesterday! Lack of sleep and overboard of partying led to a gloomy Monday.
Extra shout out to Kourtney, who not old reads my blog posts (shocking!) but asked me earlier where my post was for today! Love her!

FYI... Us LA cats love a good pair of boots... with shorts! haha jk...maybe.