
Hot Sweater in the City

Hey chickas! ...That's how tired I am right now, that sounded like a normal thing to start out with. V. happy it's finally the weekend. (Who am I? Bridget Jones?) Spent the day with some lovely bloggers at the showroom, and now I'm off to catch up with one of my old interns.

So today I thought it would be a brilliant idea to wear a poncho sweater to work. In my personal defense, it was freeeezing and cloudy this morning. 8 hours of sweating later, maybe I was jumping the gun a little bit. I'm still going to make fall happen. LA, you can't hold me back.

List of things that I'm currently coveting:

Everything mustard (the clothes). And honey mustard (the condiment). From Chick-Fil-A. Now open in Hollywood. Huge news.

Everything here. Period.
This sweater in multiple colors.
400 wrap watches. Or 300. I like variety.

Leather pants and boots. Together. Separate. And during the 80 degree LA weather.

Denim on denim. Men, take note. (See I'm expanding to menswear)

Gold everything.
Lipstick. It's my life.
All fall. This is happening.

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