
25 Days of Presents

I freaking love the holidays. Like, seriously, I live for them. There is nothing better than cold weather, spending time with friends and family and eating until even my stretch waistband pants are feeling tight. Obviously, the presents part of the Holidays don't hurt either.

Buying presents for other people is a big deal to me, and I like it way more than receiving gifts. I'd rather just buy myself what I want and stick to watching people open their gifts. Thus, the reason I make holiday wish lists every year doesn't really make sense. Alas, I still enjoy putting together a collection of what I hope to receive. This is part 1 of the 25 days of presents I would like Santa to bring me. JK I'm not doing 25 posts on stuff that I want for X-Mas. ...Or maybe I am.

This list is from ASOS.com, in case you guys are wondering what to get me!

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