
Happy Scripps National Spelling Bee Day

It's a big day in America, folks. That's right, today is the National Spelling Bee Day. It's the day where families and spelling enthusiasts alike gather round the television to watch the brightest (and mostly Indian) children compete for the title of BEST SPELLER IN AMERICA. Its a huge deal.

From a young age, spelling has been my favorite subject. If spelling had been a major, I would've definitely majored in it. (Instead, I chose journalism which was as close to spelling as I could get.) Since I only made it to the regional competition as a child (and was out in the first round to the word CORRAL... it's harder than it looks assholes), I've decided my future children will be the only hope I have at making it to the national spelling bee. (I'll be the pyscho mother trying not to mouth the spelling to every word). I'm fully aware that this means my child will be an outcast, somewhat odd child. But it will all be worth it when she/he takes home the title of national spelling bee champion.

So do yourselves a huge favor and tune into the spelling bee finals tonight. You won't be sorry.

And in case you have no interest in spelling (what's wrong with you?), you might be interested in knowing that Ali is doing a guest post on Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee. Post to come.

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