
Plaid to Meet You

Have you guys ever met those types of couples that look exactly the same? Like, yeah, maybe they both dressed similarly when they first started dating, but now they are pretty much identical twins (style wise.) What creeps me out even more is when couples seriously look like they could be brother and sister AND they have the same exact style. It weirds my shit out.

But one thing I do approve of is a dually-dressed plaid couple. Plaid is great for all occasions and seasons and relationships. Really, I love a cute plaid couple. If they were both in argyle, I'd judge them hardcore. Matching tweed? Yikes. But matching plaid- yes.

I think this is because plaid looks good on guys and girls. It's an easy, effortless look that is a classic. Bonus: you can get plaid shirts at any thrift store for mega cheap, so there's no excuse for you and your boyfriend to not start matching immediately.

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